Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology (MoIAT)

Established in July 2020, the Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology (MoIAT, formerly known as Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology (ESMA)) aims to boost the UAE’s industrial sector and increase its contribution to the GDP. The Office of the Minister of State for Advanced Technology, the Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology (ESMA) and the Industry sector in the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure have been merged into the structure of the Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology since then, and all authorities, responsibilities and duties have been transferred to the newly founded Ministry. The UAE has an advanced and globally competitive halal industry system which has formed the basis of best practice around the world. This is because the UAE’s system starts with a foundation of accreditation bodies, halal certification bodies and establishments that produce and manufacture halal products. Establishment shall obtain Halal Certificate for its final products and raw materials included in the production from Halal Certification Bodies registered by the Ministry; in which halal Certification Bodies shall comply with the approved halal standards and requirements as indicated in Cabinet Decree 10/2014. The Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology has introduced the first Halal National Mark, which is granted after verifying that products conform to the approved standard. Establishments must also commit to the UAE’s requirements regarding halal products and the conditions for use of the Halal National Mark. It can be granted to a product, service or production system. The Halal National Mark is issued by the Department of Conformity in the Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology in the UAE. It constitutes the ideal model to verify the entire supply chain of halal products in line with the highest standards and regulations of Islamic Sharia, in addition to best practice within the international quality and product conformity ecosystem. It also helps in enhancing the smooth movement of halal food products from abroad to the UAE’s markets and from the UAE to global markets. While the Halal National Mark is optional, qualified local and global products, services or production systems that are distinguished in a way that expresses their compliance with the provisions of Islamic Sharia are required to obtain the certification. HQC is officially accredited and recognized from MoIAT VAE.