Halal Quality Control complies with the following Halal Standards, set out by various government institutions and authorities
HAS 23103: HAS Criteria on Slaughterhouses
GSO 713:1997: Hygienic regulations for poultry processing abattoirs and their personnel
GSO 993 :2015 : Animal Slaughtering Requirements According to Islamic Rules
MS 1500:2009, Halal food – production, preparation, handling, and storage - general guidelines
SNI 99002:2016: Halal Slaughtering for Poultry
SNI 99003:2018: Halal Slaughtering for Ruminants
SNI ISO/TS 20224-3:2: Molecular biomarker analysis – Detection of animal-derived materials in foodstuffs and feedstuffs by real-time PCR – Part 3: Porcine DNA detection method
OIC/SMIIC 22: 2021: Halal Edible Gelatine – Requirements and Test Methods
OIC/SMIIC 1: 2019: General Requirements for Halal Food
GSO 1694:2005 General principles of food hygiene
GSO 2538:2017: The maximum limits for residues of ethyl alcohol (ethanol) in food
GSO 2055-1:2015 Halal products - Part one: General Requirements for Halal Food
HAS 23201: Requirements of Halal food material
HAS 23000:1 Requirements of Halal certification: Halal Assurance System Criteria
MS 1500:2019, Halal food – production, preparation, handling, and storage - general guidelines
OIC/SMIIC 24: 2020: General Requirements for Food Additives and Other Added Chemicals to Halal Food
General Guidelines for use of the term “HALAL” CAC/GL 24-1997
MUIS-HC-S001: General Guidelines for the Handling and Processing of Halal Food
SNI 99004:2021: General Requirements of Halal Food
SNI 99001:2016: Halal Management System
SNI 8965:2021: Methods of detection quantification of ethanol in beverage products.
MS 2424:2012: General Guidelines on Halal Pharmaceuticals
MS 2200-1:2008: Islamic Consumer Goods: Cosmetics and Personal Care
MS 2200-2:2013: Islamic Consumer Goods: Usage of animal bone, skin and hair
OIC SMIIC 4:2018: Halal Cosmetics General Requirements