About us
Halal Quality Control - HQC is an international accredited Halal certification body and has been ranked as one of the first trustworthy accredited Halal certification bodies established in Europe.

Our Mission
We use our knowledge and expertise and work diligently and with enthusiasm to ensure that Muslim consumers get 100% authentic Halal products. By doing so,we facilitate product access to markets and we generate among Muslim consumers satisfaction and confidence,customers and public

Our History
Halal Quality Control was established in 1983 and has been involved in Halal product certification ever since. In the 1980s, meat was an important product and in that time it was a requirement to obtain a Halal certificate if it is exported to certain countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, the United Arab Emirates and to a number of other countries. Our company is for historical reasons, therefore, also affiliated with governments and is recognized for this.

Our Vision
To become the pioneers and Europe’s most trusted partner in Halal certification, while maintaining compliance to all Halal requirements and exceeding Muslim consumers’ expectations.

Our Staff
Our team of highly qualified and experienced professionals who understand your process and your needs are our most important asset, which brings valuable benefits and generates added value for our customers