Halal Accreditation Agency (HAK)

Halal Accreditation Agency (HAK) evaluates and monitors the halal-related conformity assessment activities of bodies against national and international standards, as well as its own rules and procedures. For a halal accreditation process, review, assessment, approval, and surveillance procedures toward the conformity assessment bodies demanding halal accreditation from HAK are performed pursuant to OIC/SMIIC Halal Standards and other related ISO standards. he rules and principles applicable to the application, accreditation assessment, use of halal accreditation mark etc. are defined in HAK implementation documents. HAK has developed three (3) different accreditation schemes for (1) bodies that certify products and services as halal, (2) bodies that certify persons who will work as auditors, experts, etc. in the halal industry and (3) laboratories that perform testing used in the halal field. HQC is officially accredited and recognized from HAK Turkey.
The Halal Quality Control (HQC) Group is proud to have received its accreditation from the HAK, making us one of the first Halal Certification Bodies in Europe to achieve this award. Our HAK accreditation covers the entire European area, without country-specific restrictions.
We are proud to be the only certification body with two accredited offices and look forward to expanding to a third office soon. Our goal is to cover a wide range of product categories to meet diverse business needs.
To verify our HAK endorsement, please visit the official HAK website at Halal Accreditation Agency (hak.gov.tr).