The BADAN PENYELENGGARA JAMINAN PRODUK HALAL (BPJPH) is an Indonesian Halal Product Assurance Agency formed under the umbrella of the Ministry of Religious Affairs. Law No. 33 of 2014 concerning Halal Product Guarantee mandates that products circulating in Indonesia are guaranteed halal, therefore the BPJPH has the duty and function to guarantee the halalness of products entering, circulating, and trading in Indonesia. The BPJPH is also supported by duties and functions as mandated by Law No. 33 of 2014, namely concerning Halal Registration, Halal Certification, Halal Verification, Conducting guidance and supervising product halalness, Cooperation with all relevant stakeholders, and setting halal standards for a product. HQC is officially accredited and recognized from BPJPH Indonesia.