- Categories: |Halal Dairy Products|
- Certified Since: 2020
- Website: Visit the official company website here
- Status: Approved

Laïta is a dairy cooperative in the west of France, which brings together three founding partners: Even, Terrena and Coopagri Bretagne. Laïta has 3020 employees and a turnover of €1.4 billion. It collects milk from 2,660 dairy farms (1.5 billion litres of milk per year). Laïta markets a wide range of dairy products in France and abroad to customers with different profiles and is the leader in several mass consumption markets: traditional moulded butter, "Gourmands" fruit yoghurts, fermented milks and grocery milks. The company is also considered a European reference in the manufacture of private label dairy products as well as in the field of clinical nutrition and processed ingredients. Laïta's head office, six industrial sites and its associated site are all located in the Grand Ouest region of France, demonstrating the company's strong regional roots. But it also has several locations in Europe, including four subsidiaries in Italy, Belgium, Great Britain and Spain, which employ around one hundred people and ensure that its products are distributed throughout Western Europe.